Chepstow School offers a wide range of delicious and healthy meal options. £2.15 is sufficient to purchase a meal in the school canteen.

Breakfast items are available between 8:15am – 8:45am and healthy snacks during break and lunch.

The school canteen opening times:

  • Morning: 08.15am – 08.45am
  • Break: 11.05am -11.25am
  • Lunch: 1.25pm – 2.15pm

Cashless Catering

Chepstow School operates a cashless system within our canteen, so students purchase food or drink through their fingerprint.

The cashless system is linked to the Chepstow School App, which enables parents to add money to their child’s account. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the bottom of this page. If you prefer not to add money online using the Chepstow School App system, it is possible for students to use a specialised ‘self-service’ unit located by the student entrance, which will enable your child to add cash to their accounts themselves. The self-service machine will accept banknotes (£5, £10, £20) and most coins, this will update the students account immediately.

If a student is eligible for Free school meals, their account will be credited with the cost of a meal of the day (currently £3.00) which they will be able to access at lunchtime only.

Free School Meals

Who is entitled to free school meals?

Your child or children may qualify for free school meals if you are able to meet the following criteria:

  • You or your partner have a child for whom you receive child benefit and who is attending a school or college in Monmouthshire

And you and your partner are:

  • Receiving Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Receiving Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) with an annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) not exceeding £16,190
  • Receive support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Receive Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) (ESA (IR))
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
How to apply for free school meals

Applying for free school meals is a lot easier than you might think. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals you should apply to the LEA using the free school meal application form.

If you would like to make a request to receive free school meals, please collect an application form from Reception.

Parents on incomes of less than £16,190 are eligible.

If you require any form of assistance in completing the application form for Free School Meals, please contact a member of the wellbeing team who will be happy to help.

Useful Guidance