Wellbeing at Chepstow School

Chepstow School is a vibrant, caring, and nurturing school, with an inclusive and supportive ethos; creating a sense of belonging where everybody matters. It is this inclusive culture, alongside an engaging curriculum, high-quality teaching and learning, extensive support, and effective communication with families and the community, which has ensured that our pupils want to attend school regularly, continuously feeling happy and safe. The staff know all pupils very well through continuous communication and tracking, personalised one-page profiles, and are sensitive and supportive to their individual needs; this is one of our notable strengths across the school. Chepstow School’s well-being team monitors pupils’ progress in learning, well-being, attendance, and behaviour daily, and regularly meets with our Deputy Headteacher, to identify those who need additional support, breaking down barriers to learning and bridging the gap for our disadvantaged and ALN learners. Many pupils benefit from the extensive range of support for their well-being and they value our school’s pastoral support provision, which helps them to develop as confident members of our school community.

Please find below links to some resources which we hope may be of benefit to you and your children:

Health Support – Useful contacts

Childline: 0800 1111

Samaritans: 116 123

Young Minds: Text 85258

Hopeline UK: 0800 088 4141










Single Point of Access for Children’s Emotional Wellbeing (SPACE) Wellbeing Monmouthshire

Self referral form for young people and families  Click here


URL Link

General Wellbeing Resources

Monmouthshire SPACE Wellbeing and Family Support Panel

Web URL: Click here
Monmouthshire County Councils Children’s Services

Building Strong Families – Family Advice Line

Twitter: @families_strong

Open: 10am-3pm

01633 644152 / 07970166975

Text or what’s app and we will message back.

email: earlyhelppanel@monmouthshire.gov.uk

Pearson Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Page Web URL: Click here
Turn 2 Us

Turn2us is a national charity helping people when times get tough. They provide financial support to help people get back on track.

Web URL: Click here
Cerebra – Sleep advice service

Many families have children/young people who have difficulties with sleep. The charity Cerebra have a range of support tools to try to help with this including sleep practitioners that offer one-one support to discuss specific issues.

Web URL: Click here


If you would like help with your child’s sleep,

telephone 01267 244210 to speak with an advisor.

Newport’s Children and Young People Counselling Service – Talking Zone Web URL: Click here
Dove Self Esteem Project Web URL: Click here
British Red Cross – Teaching Resources Web URL: Click here
Fresh Air Fridays Web URL: Click here
CAMHS Web URL: Click here
Free mental health support – Wales Web URL: Click here
The Building Bridges Project

Activities, fun, friendship and work-related experiences for young people with additional needs aged between 14 and 25 in Monmouthshire

Facebook: @BuildingBridgesMonmouthshire

Web URL: Click here

Money & Debt – Monmouthshire Web URL:  Click here
Monmouthshire County Council Free School Meals

From the 6th April we are changing the way we provide free school meals, from this date we will credit the Parent / Carers bank account with the equivalent amount for the cost of your child’s free school meal.  This will be paid on a weekly basis in advance.

Web URL: Click here

If applying online, you can complete the request under ‘guest’


Telephone: 01633 644644, option 1, option 5,

ask the operator to put you through to ‘Free school meals enquiry’.

Monmouthshire County Council Food Parcels

Families can make a request, the operator completes the form and emails to an agent who will contact both the family and the food bank. Agent will collect the parcel and deliver to the family direct.

Telephone: 01633 644644, option 1, option 5, ask the operator to put you through to ‘Food parcel enquiry’.
Newport County Council Free School Meals Web URL: Click here
Newport County Council Food Parcels Telephone Newport City Council: 01633 656656

or direct to Heather Powell: 01633 210446

For POBL Tenants, contact Joanne Collins: 07961 869499

Torfaen County Council Free School Meals Web URL: Click here


Telephone: 01495 762200 and ask to speak with the benefits team.

Torfaen County Council Food Parcels Telephone: 01495 762200 and ask to speak with the benefits team.
Bereavement Support
Mencap, The Voice of Learning Disability

Dealing with a bereavement

Web URL: Click here
Childhood Bereavement Network

The hub for those supporting bereaved children

Web URL: Click here
Simon Says

Child Bereavement Support

Web URL: Click here
Hope Again

Young people living after loss

Web URL: Click here

Below you will also find some downloadable resources we hope you will find of use: