Keith M Dunn OBE CMLJ

Keith M Dunn OBE CMLJ Chair of Governors

Dear Parents,

At Chepstow School, Governors, staff, parents and pupils work together in a happy, creative and high attaining environment. Our pupils are exemplary; enthusiastic, polite, friendly and welcoming.  They are proud of their school and are fantastic ambassadors of our vision and values

The Governing Body is involved with our school at every level. This includes finance, safeguarding, staff appointments and teaching and learning. As Governors, we consider our most important role to be the safety, wellbeing and education of our pupils.

Our pupils achieve high standards across the curriculum. We are justifiably proud of all of them and would like to thank you the parents who encourage and support your children so admirably.

Governors are appointed to ensure that objectives are met, and that future planning is both visionary and realistic. We provide strategic direction for the improvement of the school; monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school; and hold the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education. We are here to support and encourage our Headteacher, her Senior Leadership Team and all school personnel to ensure that every one of our pupils has access to an enriched education and to all the opportunities that they deserve.

The vice-chair, Kate Cliff, I and fellow Governors look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and very much hope that our school will be the first choice for the best education for your child. 

Keith M Dunn OBE CMLJ

Chair of Governors

Governors meet half termly and there are three non-statutory ‘work’ committees which meet to carry out most of the business:

  • Standards, Teaching and Learning
  • Wellbeing incorporating care, support and guidance
  • Recruitment and Resources (Finance)

Governors also have the statutory panels to deal with disciplinary, pay and appeals matters.

Staff who wish to contact the Governors should first discuss the matter with the Headteacher.

Parents who wish to contact the Governors should contact the Headteacher’s PA and Clerk to the Governing Body.


Mr Keith M Dunn OBE
Mr Keith M Dunn OBE
Chair of Governors

Link Governor Role:
Self-Evaluation Champion

Mrs Kate Cliff
Mrs Kate Cliff
Vice Chair of Governors

Link Governor Role:
Professional Learning, Senior Leadership Team, Self-Evaluation Champion

Miss Angela Johns
Miss Angela Johns
Community Governor

Link Governor Role:
ALN, Closing the Gap (FSM/PDG), Disadvantaged, Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Ruth Frett
Mrs Ruth Frett
Community Governor

Link Governor Role:
Senior Leadership Team, Support Staff

Mr Rupert Edwards
Mr Rupert Edwards
Community Governor

Link Governor Role:
Expressive Arts, Health & Wellbeing (AOLE), Senior Leadership Team

Mr Nick Langston-Able
Mr Nick Langston-Able
Community Governor

Link Governor Role:
Student Leadership Team

Rev. Philip Averay
Rev. Philip Averay
LA Governor

Link Governor Role:
Safeguarding, Children Looked After (CLA), E-Safety, Humanities & Social Sciences

Mrs Helen Spittle
Mrs Helen Spittle
LA Governor

Link Governor Role:
Ambitious (MAT), Senior Leadership Team, Welsh and Bilingualism

Mrs Morgan Baker
Mrs Morgan Baker
LA Governor

Link Governor Role:
Science & Technology, Senior Leadership Team

Mr Barry Steele
Mr Barry Steele
Parent Governor

Link Governor Role:
Mathematics & Numeracy, Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Judith Langdon
Mrs Judith Langdon
Parent Governor

Link Governor Role:
Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Joanne O'Donnell
Mrs Joanne O'Donnell
Parent Governor

Link Governor Role:
Languages, Literacy and Communication

Mr Kieran Smith
Mr Kieran Smith
LA Governor

Link Governor Role:
Upper Phase

Mrs Rachel Tiller Cleaves
Mrs Rachel Tiller Cleaves
Teacher Governor

Association of School Governors Representative

Mr Paul Lambert
Mr Paul Lambert
Link Governor Role:
Skills and Alternative Pathways
Mr Jonathan Keohane
Mr Jonathan Keohane
Link Governor Role:
Careers, Science and Technology, Transition
Miss Emma Martinez
Miss Emma Martinez
Teacher Governor
Mrs Andrea Davison
Mrs Andrea Davison
Staff Governor