We are delighted to offer our facilities for hire to the local community.

The Governing Body of Chepstow School endorses the Welsh Assembly Government’s guidance regarding community focused schools. It embraces the principle of the school being at the heart of the community and offering its facilities for lifelong learning. The school’s accessible location, flexible facilities and ample parking make it an ideal venue for clubs and groups to hire space to accommodate a broad range of events.

Whilst recognising that its prime purpose is to educate its pupils during the school day, the school also acknowledges that it is able to offer first-class , conference, meeting rooms and halls for use outside of normal school hours, at weekends.

The Governing Body agrees a charging policy annually which ensures it covers its overheads as a minimum when hiring/letting its facilities, with a charge to cover administration and staffing costs where appropriate. The school is happy to consider all requests, subject to availability and appropriateness.

If you are interested in hiring these facilities or have any queries, please contact our School Operations Officer or School Business Manager on 01291-635777 or email bookings@chepstowschool.net 

Please note: On-site parking is available across the site